

in reaction to recent events, a group of my peers decided we would affirm each other. we've had enough with other people bringing us down and condemning our actions. actions, which, arent bad. we're not drug addicts or exceptionally cruel people. in actuality, we're good people with positive things to do/say.

which is why, we'll be affirming often. it was decided that telling the real reasons we love each other will do a lot more good than criticizing what to fix. it obviously feels a lot better to know the people around you want to be there for specific reasons. this is also great on the self esteem.

i wish more people would do this. stop being so cynical and indirectly selfish. as the age old rule of thumb goes - you're only bringing people down to lift yourself up. well, turns out - you feel a hell of a lot better about yourself if you bring people up with you.

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