

its really strange to go out now. seeing people for the first time since i broke my tibia is even stranger.

last night it felt like alllll i talked about was my leg and trying to find non-awkward ways to make light of the fact i could have died and quickly change the subject.

i dont feel better. i havent recovered. i think about walking every time i do.

i dont feel like the same person but i dont feel like a new person. i feel stuck in limbo, completely controlled by an event that took two seconds.

two seconds changed my life.

two seconds consumes me.

i want them back.

1 comment:

Brad Kronz said...


- walk
- walk down the street
- shower. by myself
- visit friends at their homes
- dance
- go out to dinner
- go to a party (and not drink (a lot))
- dance
- chase godfrey to cuddle
- clean my apt
- take out the garbage
- check the mail
- go see and up
- dance
- dance
- dance
- go grocery shopping
- go shopping
- carry things
- dance

not yet accomplished:

- ride my bike
- take bowie on a walk*
- go see the hangover*

*do you even want to do these things?