the only other response comes from people who are willing to give a cigarette but they preface it with, 'it's a menthol..' meaning, 'i know this is gross and you probably dont want it, but please dont judge me for smoking these because i actually enjoy them.' since i smoked menthol at one time in my life (dont judge me for that because i actually enjoyed them) i usually take it anyway.
however, last night, something strange happened. when i asked this unassuming lady for a cigarette she prefaced giving me one by saying 'it's not a menthol'. what?
i said that was better and thanked her for the smoke. upon further thought, i was offended. who did she think i was? would you assume i liked menthol? and if so, what kind of crack head do you think i am? yea i smoked them at one time but that's because i thought the stigma surrounding them was funny and i was being 'ironic'. what framework does this woman come from where the assumption is that menthol is preferred?
my reality was rocked.
smokers are stupid.
Oh wait, you mean you don't smoke menthols? Huh. Learn something new everyday.
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